Our centre is experienced in all health insurance matters and has partnerships with the vast majority of local and foreign insurers. Our patients have the assurance that we are here to coordinate with their insurers and TPAs, so they have only one thing to focus on: Recovery.
We also accept all patients with or without insurances. Patients with insurers not currently on our network will receive our full support in making their claims.
Patients with the following Integrated Shield Plan Insurers enjoy benefits when treated at our Centre:
We accept insurances managed by the following Third-Party Administrators:
We are affiliated with:
When local patients undergo shoulder injection procedures at the clinic itself, they will be able to claim part of the treatment fees from their Medisave, subject to limits. Common conditions for which a shoulder injection is given include:
38 Irrawaddy Road
Mt Elizabeth Novena Hospital Specialist Centre #07-40
Singapore 329563